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John Gutmann: Image of an Image of Life, of Death

Peter d’Agostino © 1985/2020
Video installation
Preview: 1 of 20min loop Edition: 5+2 AP

A visit with John Gutmann at home in San Fancisco, 1985 where he
addresses his art making process and collection of death images and objects.

“John Gutmann (1905–1998) was one of America’s most distinctive photographers.
Born in Germany where he trained as an artist and art teacher, he fled the Nazis in 1933
and settled in San Francisco, reinventing himself as a photo-journalist. Gutmann captured
images of American culture, celebrating signs of a vibrant democracy, however imperfect.
Gutmann’s interests in painting and filmmaking, his collections of non-Western art
and artifacts, and his pedagogy, all figure in a body of work at once celebratory
and mysterious.” Center for Creative Photography.